Monday, September 5, 2016

5 Myths about Wrinkles You May Believe

As we age, wrinkles are typically concern number one when it comes to our skin and how we take care of it. So it’s understandable that people are constantly looking for possible causes of wrinkles to avoid, as well as possible solutions to either prevent or repair wrinkles.
Thanks to the vast amount of information available on fighting wrinkles, however, getting down to the truth about what really causes, prevent or treats wrinkles can often be difficult to do. To cut through the clutter and get to the truth about wrinkles, we had the skincare and beauty researchers at Kristals Cosmetics help us identify five common myths about wrinkles.

#1 Facials Are the Key to Fighting Wrinkles
There’s no question that facials are great. They exfoliate the face, clean it and bring back a healthy, vibrant glow. These are all good things, and well worth doing for the health of your face. But the reality is an occasional facial is not the key to preventing wrinkles in the long term. Other factors like wearing sunscreen and avoiding smoking are much more important.

#2 You Can Prevent Wrinkles with Petroleum Jelly
This is another old trick to preventing wrinkles: Applying petroleum jelly to the face before bedtime. This does appear to have a moisturizing effect, but the notion that this will actually prevent wrinkles in the long-term appears a bit dubious according to experts.

#3 I’ll Have Wrinkles Because My Parents Did
As with most things in life, genetics do play some role in the amount of wrinkles that you have. However, in the case of wrinkles, factors like sun exposure, smoking and facial expressions likely play a greater role than family history.

#4 Rubbing or Pulling Skin Causes Wrinkles
Sure, it’s not a good habit to rub the eyes or pull on the skin. But the reality is even if you do it occasionally, it’s probably not enough to lead to wrinkles when compared to several of the other factors at play.

#5 I’ll Need Botox or Cosmetic Surgery to Get Rid of Wrinkles Entirely
Ultimately as you age, you may see these as the only viable tools to rid yourself of wrinkles. In reality, your dermatologist has several other viable and effective treatments available, including laser therapy and Venus Freeze, among others.

About Kristals Cosmetics
Kristals Cosmetics has unlocked the holistically healing power of gemstones to promote vibrant, radiant skin with a deep range of products, including creams,masks and serums. Kristals complements its gemstone-infused skincare products with leading-edge ingredients designed to pair perfectly with precious gems, including peptides, niacinamide and Vitamin C

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